Our Shows - Tuesdays

Weekdays 6:00 AM-10:00 AM
When Chris & Chris first met, they instantly hated each other- they worked at competing radio stations and both had trouble meeting women, so each of them was already in a bad mood. However, as the years went by, they became friends and jumped when they had a chance to do their own morning radio show. Hysterical and irreverent, The 2 Guys Named Chris show creates “must listen” radio every morning.

Weekdays 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM
Saturdays 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM
I’m thrilled to be rockin’ with you on The River! A few facts about me, most
not greatly exaggerated:
- I’m a “former” Michigander who has called Eastern North Carolina home
for many moons. I met my husband bowling, married him on the beach,
raised our son on a boat and a baseball field and now I truly can’t imagine
ever living anywhere else! - My first concerts: Todd Rundgren. REO Speedwagon. The Doobie Brothers.
We literally carried a keg into the outdoor venue for The Doobie Brothers!
Years later I saw every Doobie there ever was on the same stage in Vegas.
We couldn’t carry a keg into that concert. - Favorite author: Stephen King. Maybe explains a weird hobby I have that
involves Barbie doll heads. Just the heads. But, an episode of “Dexter”
really should get more credit for that than Stephen. - I should have been a rock star. But I can’t sing. Or play an instrument.
Though I did have a band with my sisters when we were young, and I did
play a mean tennis racket. - I have met a few rock stars. Waited on Bob Seger all night and didn’t even
know it was him. He drank beer. Coolest hang with rock stars definitely
goes to Ed and Jess with Collective Soul which resulted in my favorite
“selfie” ever! - I love being on the water. Fishing, clamming, crabbing. Crab. Yummy!

Weekdays 2:00 PM- 6:00 PM
Al “AC” Cannon spent over 20 years on the air up and down the dial in Eastern North Carolina including Farmville, Greenville, Washington, and Goldsboro.
AC hung up his headphones in 2001 and traded them in for an engineering-IT position at our sister station but now that “The River” is established as a ’70s, 80’s & 90’s powerhouse, AC couldn’t resist the temptation of hitting the airwaves one more time.
AC is a native of Farmville, NC where he lives today, so when you hear him telling stories and talking up the Classic Rock days of the Rockin’ 70’s and the New Wave/Techno days of the Awesome 80’s here in Eastern NC, you’ll know that he lived it.